
Some people stress that it is important “not to judge”.

But in our everyday lives, we are constantly making judgements about situations. For example, if we decide which people, places, foods etc. are good for us and which are not, we are then already making a judgement.

When we judge something, we categorise it for ourselves. The important thing is the energy behind our judgement. If we do this to feel what is best for us at that moment, then judgement is helpful. We need it in everyday life.

There is also condemnation. This is not the same as judgement. It has to do with devaluing or rejecting something. This is something we can heal within ourselves by distinguishing between a misdeed and the perpetrator. It is certainly right to oppose certain actions with a clear “No”. However, one should try to have compassion for the perpetrators. In really extreme cases, this is, of course, very, very difficult.

In the spiritual world, there is no such thing as judgement, but here on the Earth we need it.

We have created a flyer and you can find the links below where you can order it for free!

Christina would be delighted if you would help spread this message everywhere to give a major boost.

Here in Switzerland, Germany and Austria, our dear readers have already distributed more than 50,000 flyers!

How YOU can contribute to peace now:

(Excerpt from the flyer)

1. Say yes to your life. It’s an honour to be here as a human being.

2. Instead of seeking your truth in the outer world, seek it within. Allow yourself plenty of time to be still.

3. Feel your heart and live it, follow the impulse of your heart. Your heart guides you in the truth of the moment to where it is right for you now.

4. Realise that every act of peace, no matter how small, is woven into a global energy field. This is how you can make a direct contribution to world peace.

5. Be aware that everything you send out will fall back on you.

6. See all your fellow human beings as your sisters and brothers – regardless of their skin colour, nationality, religion or views. We all come from the same loving source of creation.

7. Do not resonate with unlight actions such as division, judgement, hatred, violence and war.

8. Find out what is currently happening in the world. Research independently in the most independent media possible and use your powers of discernment. Then focus on positive things: Go out into nature, read uplifting texts, socialise with people who do you good and do things that bring you joy and keep your consciousness high… and so on.

9. Do not harm any living being by either thought, word or deed.

10. Choose inner peace and peace in the world – over and over again. If you fall out of it, simply start all over again.

11. Remind yourself of your immense creative power and that you are a divine being, created by a loving source. That is your true greatness and your true value.

12. No matter what has happened in your life, what you have experienced and endured and whether you are currently feeling anger or rejection: You can choose love NOW. It brings healing into your personal life and into everything that exists on the Earth.

Please distribute this flyer everywhere:
Leave it on a train or bus, drop it in letterboxes, deposit it in public bookcases, give it to people passing by and, of course, to your friends and acquaintances. Let your imagination run wild and help to actively bring peace into this world! Sources of supply: You can download this flyer as a PDF file free of charge from my website and print it out yourself: