The light of our soul, a personal message

As the light of our soul enters into our consciousness and our body more and more, this involves becoming aware of thoughts, emotions and beliefs that stem from old hurts and blockages so that they can be healed. It is part of the process of increasing our vibration.

I have been going through such processes for a long time. Light-filled beings are attacked on all levels from an early age, and these attacks have to be processed – I have to do this, too. But you won’t find any of this in the Christina books.

This is also the reason why I sometimes seem tired or “strange”. We keep being asked about this fact and now you have the answer as to why this is so.

Our own inner healing is one of our most important tasks.

It is an inner work that requires taking time to be with yourself without distractions. There may be people who can be very helpful with certain issues, but ultimately it’s you who has to work through this process.

This inner work has an effect on oneself, but not only that, the impact it has and the healing also extend into the collective field. This can then make it easier for others who are on the same path.